OK Bloomer: Cover Your Frillbutt!

This post was written by our guest writer: Ducky.
Ducky is a content writer and has a website to showcase her books, check them out at http://flammablepenguins.com/

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OK Bloomer: Cover Your Frillbutt!

You may be looking at all the lolita advice blogs right now, gushing over the beautiful dresses and the coord you’ve just puzzled together. The topic of bloomers comes up, and you scoff. Should I really spend money on something that won’t be seen?

When I started lolita I bought a few dresses from my fairy lolita godmother Laura, who is an absolute angel. I think I was buying my third dress from her when I confessed I had no bloomers, at which point she ran upstairs and retrieved a black pair of bloomers for me. She insisted I take them.

Now the concept of bloomers can be wide. If you prefer to use some shorts instead of the traditional frilly bloomers, nobody will give you a hard time. After all, while they’re not meant to be seen, they fulfill a few basic functions.

As a lolita with seven years in the fashion, I will defend my frilly friend to the death, and give you a few reasons as to why these are so all important.

Yes, while they are not meant to be seen, these frilly underthings may save you some embarrassment. There are stories out there. From old ladies who try to lift up your skirt to find out “what holds it up” or picnic meets gone awry when hoop skirts rebel. Whatever forcefield or petticoat you’re using at that point, your knickers may come into view. A pair of bloomers will keep your modesty safe.

A puffy pumpkin pants style pair of bloomers will give your petticoat some extra oomph.
That’s why you see some bloomers having a few extra frills. While it won’t allow you to go completely petticoat-less, it can help puff up a slightly deflated petticoat or fill in an old school skirt without making it look overstuffed.

I admit it, I love the extra ruffles. Bloomers just look so romantic to me. I’ve often taken out the trash in a blouse and a pair of frilly bloomers, which has gotten me some weird looks from the neighbours. It’s called Fashion, Karen, look it up.

In older lolita street snaps you’ll often see a little bit of bloomer lace peeking from under the skirts. Old school bloomers tend to be a bit longer, often reaching the knees. This makes a pair of longer bloomers a beautiful addition to your wardrobe if you’re interested in going back to the roots of lolita.

Those gifted bloomers I mentioned at the start? Still part of my wardrobe, treasured amongst all of the undergarments I have bought myself since. To my pride I have carried on this tradition and gifted a pair of bloomers to a newer lolita who had none.

Whether you decide on a hypermodern pair of chiffon bloomers, some simple cyclist shorts or make your own, a pair of bloomers is never a bad investment. It’s never been easier to find a pair that suits you.

So, let us know down under how you’re protecting your down under.

This post was written by our guest writer: Ducky.
Ducky is a content writer and has a website to showcase her books, check them out at http://flammablepenguins.com/

If you want to be a guest writer for MeLikesTea’s Blog send an e-mail to [email protected] including your social media and post idea/preview.

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