This post was written by our guest writer: Kyra from Bibelot Rose.
In her blog Kyra keeps a personal record of her adventures through lolita fashion and inspires fellow lolitas, to grow in the fashion we all love.
If you want to be a guest writer for MeLikesTea’s Blog send an e-mail to [email protected] including your social media and post idea/preview.
Hosting a Lolita Meetup
There are a few steps to hosting a lolita or alternative fashion meetup, but it is relatively easy and very rewarding! You can go over the top or keep it casual. So many different activities are available to groups, and I have such a lovely time exploring my state with my friends. Here are the steps I take to hosting a meetup:
My first step in hosting a meetup usually starts with a Google search of group activities near me. Some of my favorite activities/locations for meetups have been: perfume making, afternoon tea, museums, and swap meets. It is important to keep in mind the weather and avoid activities with a lot of walking/physical activity. No one wants to get dirty in lolita!

This step is important because you don’t want to have a meetup that no one attends. Usually I will make a post in my local community’s Facebook group. Here is a list of Facebook lolita communities: Lolita Community Directory
I explain my general idea for what, where, and when we would have the meetup. If people respond that they would like to go, I proceed with planning the meetup. If not a lot of people express interest, I go back to step one and try again.

The most common way to advertise events is through Facebook. I like to make an event in the group with information as to what activity we will be doing, where it will take place, and when it will happen. It is common for most communities to get a meal together before or after the activity if the activity doesn’t include food, so it’s a good idea to look into nearby restaurants. If you want to set a theme, be sure to let people know (but I always make my themes optional so as not to exclude those who can’t make a coord that follows the theme).
Once you have a good idea of how many people are saying they will attend, it is very helpful to call the locations you’ll be visiting in advance to be sure they can accommodate your group size. You may have to make adjustments to your plans; just be sure to communicate them with your attendees. If your activity requires prepayment, it will be important for you to collect attendees’ payments in advance or have them purchase their own tickets so that you don’t end up financially responsible for them.
Some activities you can plan for during meets include passing out Valentines or having a Secret Santa, hosting a coordinate contest, or playing lolita Bingo. During the event, it helps to let the attendees guide your activities but also have some things planned. Have a general idea of what you want to do, but go with the flow and let things change if that’s what people want to do.
It is important to show up to your event early so that you can help direct people to parking and activities when they arrive. I’ve also noticed that sometimes people feel uncomfortable walking into the meet alone, especially if it’s their first time. Make sure you are near your phone in case anyone posts in the event or messages you for assistance.
The last step is to just enjoy yourself! Hosting can be stressful, but usually with proper planning, you can enjoy your meet just as much as anyone else.
Be yourself and enjoy your hard work!

If you would like to see some of the Meetups Kyra has attended, check out her blog:
You can also follow Kyra’s Instagram profile @bibelotrose for beautiful coord ideas and inspiration. <3
This post was written by our guest writer: Kyra from Bibelot Rose.
In her blog Kyra keeps a personal record of her adventures through lolita fashion and inspires fellow lolitas, to grow in the fashion we all love.
If you want to be a guest writer for MeLikesTea’s Blog send an e-mail to [email protected] including your social media and post idea/preview.